Hair Extensions

Everett, Ma, MA

Do you have hair extensions that you wish you hadn't got because they are just not right for you? Do you wish that you had a better choice for the hair extensions and probably a little advice to help you choose the right product for your needs? If you do, and if you need other cosmetic and Aveda products, then Rosemary Park Hair Salon & Beauty Supply, Everett, MA should be your first port of call.

At Rosemary Park Hair Salon & Beauty Supply, we not only pride ourselves on providing the best hair products for our customers, but we also want our customers to make informed decisions on what they buy from us. This is why we take our time to give guidance, advice, and recommendations when our customers need it. We believe in making time to do this because we know that the better you understand the products that you buy from us, the more likely you are going to get the beautiful result that you are after. In essence, it is a win-win for everyone and these are the kind of relationships that we seek to make with our customers.

So, whether you need hair wash products or you want to know how to wash your braids or hair extensions in the right way, don't be shy to talk to us. We will be more than glad to take some time and talk to you about what you need to know. If you are in the Everett, MA area, come and see us and we can help you look as beautiful as you deserve to look. You can also just call us and talk to us about what you need and we can recommend what you can buy from our store to give you the look that you are after. We look forward to hearing from you.